Italian companies import significant volumes of goods from China. As one of the highest manufacturers in the EU, the country specifically imports a large number of raw materials, machinery and equipment from China. They also import many types of agricultural products, in addition to textiles, materials and sewing accessories. Each year, the number of imports, including electronics and household goods increases, and to ensure their supply chain is stable, beneficial payment conditions are required.
More specifically, Italian importers seek to procure postponed payment conditions from Chinese suppliers. However, given that the COVID-19 pandemic has led the creditability of Italian companies to decline considerably, many Chinese suppliers do not want to take the risk of offering postponed payment terms to their Italian importers. To this end, the Sinosure credit insurance tool is ideal, covering many bases – such as political and credit risks. We have written this article to explain how we assisted our Italian clients in using the Sinosure credit insurance tool.