Axton Global Blog

Import from China
Sinosure FAQ
General information about China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (SINOSURE)
Learn more about how SINOSURE credit insurance works.
Sinosure credit limit: What it is and how to obtain it

We help importers from all over the world to improve their trading terms with Chinese suppliers and extend payments to the supplier for 90 to 180 days using the Sinosure credit insurance tool

We help companies to obtain a new Sinosure credit limit, increase existing credit and provide comprehensive consulting services regarding Sinosure credit insurance
Learn more
Our services
Get a new Sinosure credit limit for your company

Increase your company's existing Sinosure credit limit if you need to supply more goods.

Move your existing SINOSURE credit limit from one Chinese supplier to another.

Contact us
Speak with us about your organization's needs. Fill the form and our manager will contact you shortly.
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+852 2127 0773
Suite C, Level 7, World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong
Axton Global Shanghai Office
188 Jiangning Road , Shanghai, China
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