What Is SINOSURE Credit Rating?

by Axton Global
To secure a Sinosure credit limit, importers undergo the Sinosure investigation procedure and get Sinosure credit rating. This credit rating indicates creditworthiness of an importer to mitigate risks associated with contracts that include Sinosure-backed deferred payment terms.

How to Get Sinosure Credit Rating?

Sinosure credit rating is assessed by SinoRating, a department of Sinosure established in 2002. This entity provides comprehensive credit and risk management solutions, including business credit reports, industry analyses, credit ratings, and risk management consulting services.

In order to deliver accurate credit ratings for importers, SinoRating conducts a thorough investigation procedure. It uses both domestic and international information sources, with a network of 85 strategic partners worldwide. These collaborations result in the creation of overseas buyer information reports, including details such as company contacts, size metrics, and management personnel information.

Using the 5C theory of business credit rating, SinoRating's underwriters evaluate external and internal factors, financial status, supplier and customer relationships, and more.

SinoRating Database

SinoRating has an extensive database offering business registration information, credit assessments, in-depth credit analyses, and assessment guides for over 200 countries and regions. Currently containing data on more than 420 thousand overseas enterprises, this database continually expands.

SinoRating Credit Report

SinoRating offers various types of credit assessment reports, including Overseas enterprise registration reports, Overseas enterprise credit standard reports, In-depth reports on overseas companies, and Overseas enterprise introduction reports. For each type, SinoRating provides comprehensive insights into target companies, depending on local regulations and information availability.

Sinosure Credit Investigation Timelines

If an importer gets Sinsoure credit rating for the first time, the initial process typically takes 21-30 days. Following this, Sinosure establishes a credit rating and assigns a credit limit to the company.

This credit limit allows the importer to engage in transactions with one or multiple suppliers within the specified amount, all based on the insights provided by the SinoRating report.

Difference between Sinosure Credit Rating and Sinosure Credit Limit

Sinosure credit rating and Sinosure credit limit are two distinct concepts within the framework of Sinosure's services for international trade. However, it is important not to confuse these terms.

Sinosure Credit Rating: This refers to an assessment of the creditworthiness of an importer or exporter conducted by SinoRating. The credit rating evaluates various factors such as financial stability, business reputation, and past credit history to determine the level of risk associated with engaging in trade transactions with the assessed party. A Sinosure credit rating provides insights into the likelihood of fulfilling financial obligations and honoring contractual agreements.

Sinosure Credit Limit: This refers to the maximum amount of credit that Sinosure is willing to extend to an importer or exporter for a specific trade transaction or series of transactions. The credit limit is based on the importer's or exporter's credit rating, financial standing, and other relevant factors. Importers or exporters must undergo the Sinosure investigation procedure to determine their credit rating and subsequently secure a credit limit. The credit limit sets the boundary for the amount of financing or insurance coverage available from Sinosure for trade-related activities.

In summary, while Sinosure credit rating assesses the creditworthiness of parties involved in international trade, Sinosure credit limit specifies the maximum amount of credit or insurance coverage that Sinosure is willing to provide based on the assessed creditworthiness.

We help importers from all over the world to improve their trading terms with Chinese suppliers and extend payments to the supplier for 90 to 180 days using the Sinosure credit insurance tool

We help companies to obtain a new Sinosure credit limit, increase existing credit and provide comprehensive consulting services regarding Sinosure credit insurance
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Our Services
Register your company with Sinosure to access trade credits from suppliers.
Obtain a new Sinosure credit limit for your company to negotiate deferred payments.
Expand your company's current Sinosure credit limit if you need to supply more goods.
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